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Wrexham & District Kennel Society Open Show 2019 Critique

Many thanks to the committee for their kind invitation to judge Deerhounds at their Open Show and the stewards for all their hard work on the day.

Post Graduate
Wilce-Quinton and Quinton’s Kilbourne Marie Claire To Kirjojax.
Feminine three year old bitch with pretty head, dark eye and well placed ears.
Would prefer a better topline. Well knuckled feet and good hindquarters. Moved soundly.

Winstanley’s Leonard From The Shadows.
Two and a half year old male with good head, lovely dark eye and soft expression.
Strong neck. Not as sound on the move as 1 but maintained his correct topline at all times.

Wilce-Quinton and Quinton’s Kilbourne Louisa Chick At Kirjojax.
Two year old mid grey bitch with good bone and overall outline. Typical head, dark eye and neat ears.
Well ribbed back with nicely muscled hindquarters. Good feet. Harsh coat.
Moved well maintaining her topline. BOB
Pleased to watch her gain Group 3 later in the day.

Angela Aston (Balgaled).